Migrating Microsoft Access 97 applications to Access/2000 is works fairly well. Certain complex conditionals
don't compile, but these expressions can be fixed fairly quickly. Most of the rest of the process is
Migrating Microsoft Access 97 applications to Access/2000 and SQL is complicated by
difficulties converting queries. Most of the rest of the process is straightforward.
Enterprise Manager Table Designer does not provide slots for adding any more than 255 columns. For
large tables, it is necessary to use a 'bag of tricks' to change the table definition and migrate data.
In some circumstances a developer or database designer is stuck with a situation where it is necessary
to extract data from a very wide (unnormalized) table and put groups of these columns in succeeding rows.
Stored procedures that import flat file with 880,000+ records in a few managable steps. File
appears to be a Unix export since it does not use CRLF typical of MS-DOS/Windows text files.
The Access form creation wizard brings in bit fields (or yes/no columns) as textboxes, when the user typically wants
check boxes. For a form with a large number of these, this wizard can be used to 'clean up' the form.