Resource Logic Client/Server Development Services

Importing an Excel Spreadsheet Into Access Under Program Control

The following code is simply pasted in from a Microsoft Access VBA Module. It imports a production schedule spreadsheet and puts the results in a SQL Server table. The point of using this code is first to reduce the user interface to a 'click this button and it's done' simplicity, and second to edit for possible problems.

One of the frustrations I run into periodically is having to bounce around all kinds of code snippets when what I would like to see is one completely coded routine that solves a problem, and I can put all the snippets in context. That's the point of publishing this routine: it's real code and runs end-to-end. The file name of the spreadsheet is passed to the routine through pubSpreadsheetName.

The stored procecure 'ImportScheduledRepack' simply inserts the record if it doesn't already exist.

There are leading blanks in the code that are not visible while the code is viewed as HTML. To view the code with the indentations click on 'View Source' in your browser, select and Ctrl-'C'opy the program code. Open Notepad and Ctrl-V(Paste) the code into Notepad, then 'Replace-All' <BR>s with single-spaces.

Public oExcel As Object
Public xla As Excel.Application

Public pubSpreadsheetName As String

Sub ImportProductionScheduleSpreadsheet()
Dim SQLString As String

Dim CellText As String
Dim ReportDate As String

Dim PriorSchedule As String

Dim Schedule As String
Dim Needed As String
Dim RepackNumber As String
Dim EstimatedHours As String
Dim Warehouse As String
Dim ProductCode As String
Dim Description As String
Dim Label As String
Dim SizeCode As String
Dim Cases As String
Dim Pounds As String
Dim Comments As String
Dim BuyerCode As String
Dim InternalUPC As String
Dim ExternalUPC As String

Dim RowNumber As Integer

' ImportProductionScheduleSpreadsheet
Dim NullCell As Integer

Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Visible = True
oExcel.UserControl = True
oExcel.Application.Workbooks.Open pubSpreadsheetName
Set xla = oExcel.Application


RowNumber = 2
NullCell = 0

' Schedule = Format$(ImportDate, "mmmm dd, yyyy")
' PriorSchedule = Format$(ImportDate, "mmmm dd, yyyy")

SQLString = "truncate table ProductionScheduleImport"
DoCmd.RunSQL SQLString

' ImportProductionScheduleSpreadsheet
Do While NullCell < 50
CellText = xla.Range("B" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
If Len(CellText) > 0 Then
Schedule = xla.Range("A" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
Debug.Print Schedule; " - ";
If Len(Trim$(Schedule)) > 0 Then
If IsDate(Schedule) = False Then
Schedule = ""
End If
Schedule = ""
End If
Needed = xla.Range("B" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
If IsDate(Needed) Then
RepackNumber = xla.Range("D" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
EstimatedHours = xla.Range("N" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
Warehouse = xla.Range("E" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
ProductCode = xla.Range("F" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
Description = xla.Range("G" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
Label = xla.Range("H" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
SizeCode = xla.Range("I" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
Cases = xla.Range("J" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
Pounds = xla.Range("M" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
Comments = xla.Range("R" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
BuyerCode = xla.Range("O" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
InternalUPC = xla.Range("P" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value
ExternalUPC = xla.Range("Q" + Trim$(Str$(RowNumber))).Value

' ImportProductionScheduleSpreadsheet
SQLString = "execute ImportScheduledRepack "
If Len(Trim$(Schedule)) > 0 Then
SQLString = SQLString & "'" & Trim$(Schedule) & "', "
SQLString = SQLString & "Null, "
End If
SQLString = SQLString & "'" & Trim$(Needed) & "', "
SQLString = SQLString & Trim$(RepackNumber) & ", "
SQLString = SQLString & Trim$(Warehouse) & ", "
SQLString = SQLString & "'" & Trim$(ProductCode) & "', "
SQLString = SQLString & "'" & Trim$(Description) & "', "
SQLString = SQLString & "'" & Trim$(Label) & "', "
SQLString = SQLString & "'" & Trim$(SizeCode) & "', "
SQLString = SQLString & Trim$(Cases) & ", "
SQLString = SQLString & Trim$(Pounds) & ", "
SQLString = SQLString & Trim$(EstimatedHours) & ", "
SQLString = SQLString & IIf(Len(Trim$(Comments)) = 0, "Null, ", "'" & ForceSingleQuotes(Trim$(Comments)) & "', ")
SQLString = SQLString & "'" & Trim$(BuyerCode) & "', "
SQLString = SQLString & "'" & Trim$(InternalUPC) & "', "
SQLString = SQLString & "'" & Trim$(ExternalUPC) & "'"
Debug.Print SQLString
On Error GoTo LogBadSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL SQLString
On Error GoTo 0
End If
NullCell = 0
NullCell = NullCell + 1
End If

' ImportProductionScheduleSpreadsheet
RowNumber = RowNumber + 1


oExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Close False



Exit Sub

DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into ProductionScheduleImportFailureLog (SpreadsheetRow, SQLStatement) values (" & Trim$(Str$(RowNumber)) & ", '" & ForceSingleQuotes(SQLString) & "')"
pubImportStatus = pubImportStatus + 1
Resume Next

End Sub