Program Conversion - Mainframes - Schema
A computing paradigm that is coming into common use is 'MVC', or Model, View,
Controller. The Model is the database structure: tables, columns, views,
and the other elements that define data, metadata, or data relationships.
The View is the user presentation: what someone sees on a screen or printout.
The Controller is the business rules, the way data stored in the model is
manipulated on it's way to the view, and the way it's validated and formatted
when transmitted from the view to the model.
Once a system's objectives and value proposition have been identified, the
next task in most business applications is to identify what data is to be
maintained and how it will be structured. If a prototype exists (i.e.,
the existing application) the schema has been pretty clearly laid out.
Migrating this to the 'new' computing platform has to be done before business
rules have anything to operate on or presentation layers have anything to
Given that a mainframe data store exists, the initial scope of conversion
efforts should be focused on migrating the schema. For the following
discussion it is assumed that the source database is hierchical (i.e.,
IMS), and the target is an instance of SQL Server. If the data store
is already in a relational database, some but not all of the work is already
Naming conventions in mainframes tended to run towards THIS-THAT-THE-OTHER-THING,
in other words all caps with dash separators, with a legth limit of 32
characters. The more common naming conventions in client/server systems
is UpperLower, so the name would be translated to ThisThatTheOtherThing.
The length limit is probably closer to 64 characters, so that situations
where abbreviation was forced by circumstances certain naming elements can
be more descriptive.
It is common in some designs to have a 'type' field in one of the first
colums, with the type indicating that a record is, for instance, a settings
records, password record, customer master record, etc. What becomes clear
is that certain structures that should have been dedicated to specific
roles ended up, over time, getting pressed into several kinds of service.
This means that what appears to be normalized isn't, and that the schema
conversion is going to be more involved than simply replicating the table
structure in SQL. In hierarchical databases a 'master' record can have
'groups' that contain multiple repeating elements, each of these makes up a
'detail' record, which may in turn contain repeating elements: for example
Invoice contains product Line Items which contain Serial Numbers. In
SQL this becomes an Invoice table, an InvoiceLineItem table, and an
InvoiceLineItemSerialNumber table, or some similar construction.
If this table is storing information that is not invoice information and has
several type codes, then these need to be split off into their own tables.
Some of these other 'types' may have repeating groups that are only populated
within that type, therefore not all repeating groups are saved in one-to-many
table relationships in all derived tables. These 'other' tables all have
to be given their respective names, and some information that is really
configuration should be stored in the registry or in XML settings files.
In a large conversion, this phase should be carved out of the larger whole as
a project in it's own right. The scope of the project should be redefined
to focus on the schema representation and ad-hoc report construction. In
the SQL Server case, this means hiring database designers, ETL experts, database
adminstrators, and a programmer or two. The scope of the system should
be limited to production of demand reports using SSRS or Report Builder. The
server database should be refreshed from the mainframe host every night, and the
reporting users given a 'full day' snapshot representing a complete daily business
This pathway creates two substantial benefits: the first is that
the database people know their part of the system completely, and make a good
resource to programmers that show up later. The second is that periodic
revisions to the database schema don't force rewrites of all dependent applications
code. The requirement that ad-hoc reporting be part of the system insures
that users are aware of both the table design and the database contents, because
they're using it daily. The users become 'auditors': they know if the data
representations aren't right, and if this is due to structure or record contents.
For those that feel like their system is way overdue for an
upgrade, please call 210-734-5575 for free initial consultation.
Or, eMail us at