Resource Logic Client/Server Development Services

Project - Fleet Management

A commercial line insurance agency was getting spreadsheet files from a number of branch offices of a particularly large client. Each office maintained information in it's own format, in some cases using 'partial' names or Vehicle Identification Numbers. Integrating this into a complete picture of the number of insured vehicles company-wide was slow, complicated, and subject to error.

The solution is a web-enabled database that maintains information on all vehicles in the fleet, all drivers, and provides forms for requesting certificates of insurance and other insurance related documents. This information kept updated over the entire year by the people in the branch offices responsible for maintaining vehicle data.

Certain exception reports (such as vehicles with no drivers assigned, or vehicles that do not have the sticker that reads "How's my driving? Call 800-xxx-xxxx") can be copied to the clipboard using a 'Copy to Clipboard' command. This information is then pasted into Excel so that individual offices can follow up their respective action items.